During two weeks the whole Web society is buzzing about Steve Jobs and his great contribution into the Internet technology. This man turned the hardware industry with the stunning Apple inventions and became a Silicon Valley legend. He was a creative genius who even after his death continuous to inspire people. His wise words make
The expectation of the upcoming party brings a smile on your face. Everyone is happy, cause knows that the evening will be cool and amusing. With such a positive mood, the success of an affair is guaranteed, but how can you make it really stunning and outstanding against the other gatherings? We know the secret
Today’s set of tutorials is dedicated to the theme of an animated 3D cube creation with Papervision 3D. Each tutorial contain the demo of the final result. Some of the tutorials describe the process of the cube’s creation from the beginning to the end. You will learn to create a path to the class, create
Today we are happy to share with you the knowledge and experience of an incredibly talented digital artist and matte painter Christian Hecker, also well-known as Tigaer, professional designer from Germany. The author of stunning environmental artworks and the merited owner of CG Choice award on CGTalk and a Gold Award on CGHub for his
Every day Internet users read a lot of data, look through news-websites and blogs, which are really overwhelmed with up to date information. It’s hard to remember everything important and keep in mind all facts we’ve learned during a day, sometimes some really valuable content is missed. So, how to convey effectively the main message
Facebook has entirely penetrated not only in our online life, but also in our daily offline existence. People get used to the engaging and fully absorbing online network that don’t even imagine a day without it. Moreover, they transfer Facebook accessories to their rooms and houses, decorate clothes with pretty Facebook logo and a well-known
There is no need to ask you whether you have a twitter account or not. We already know the answer 🙂 Our daily life is fully connected with the Internet, so each of us is a small part of this huge Web-World! We so used to share our interests and wishes with the online audience
In one of our previous posts we shared with you the links to the series of video tutorials on 3DS Max Modeling created by Mike Lively of Northern Kentucky University. Since the themes he covers in his tutorials are really valuable and extremely interesting, we thought about compiling for you another set of video PV3D
What is the best way to bring fun into your office and diversify your work-flow? You’ll say that the question is rather simple and everyone knows the answer, but we don’t need airy words and misty thoughts, we want concrete examples and actions 🙂 So, look around, what do you see? Empty walls and boring
The stir around two giant social networks Google+ and Facebook is a good promotion for both of them.. A huge number of blogs, online magazines and newspapers compare these going head to head titans and predict there will be only one survivor in this severe online war. Some of them assert that the winner will