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Ann Davlin

20 Best Web Design Articles of October 2012

Several weeks ago I subscribed to 3 blogs (I wouldn’t like to name them now, but believe me they are cool). They publish articles daily, each of which is very interesting and useful for me. And for several days I was more than pleased with regular news in my inbox. But as the time goes

By Ann Davlin 2012-11-02 0 9,245
Pinterest Defeated Facebook in Shopping Engagement

Facebook is the entire leader of social media. Pinterest keeps a honorable third place (know more about it from Search Engine Journal). But as the latest research shows Pinterest motivates more purchases than Facebook.

By Ann Davlin 2012-10-23 0 3,251
Google Services Cross-Integration: Google Search, Drive and Calendar Come to Gmail

These days Google presents a new standard for its search results: from now on people can get info from the entire web as well as from their Gmail and Google Drive accounts when searching in a single place. This feature is aimed at helping you to find information faster.

By Ann Davlin 2012-10-16 0 4,186
Prepare Your Website for Scare: 48 Halloween Freebies

Time’s running out and Halloween 2012 comes closer. People start caring about finding good holiday jokes as well as buying sweets and pumpkins. And I bet you already know which Halloween costume you and your kids will be dressed in. Haven’t you thought about it yet?

By Ann Davlin 2012-10-09 0 19,898
Problems On The Way From Freelancer To Team Player

Sometimes freelancers need or want to join a working group. First days at a new job are always stressful, but freelancers are more than others subjected to these problems.

By Ann Davlin 2012-10-02 0 4,640
The Lies Hosting Providers Are Feeding You

I’ve never been interested in a problem of choosing a website hosting. In fact, it was a great surprise to know how many hidden rocks are waiting for a poor web developer on this way. And if you think that you have bought the best hosting, take a good look around. Probably your hosting provider

By Ann Davlin 2012-09-27 0 4,438
Minimalism In Web Design: What Is That And What’s It For?

Less is more… No I don’t want to start my article with this catchy but still trite expression. You know, 7 of 10 articles about minimalism in web design use this phrase (as usually for sub-titles).

By Ann Davlin 2012-09-18 0 8,967
Free E-Commerce and Business Icon Set – Grab and Run

Several days ago I’ve found an interesting email in my Inbox folder. There was a kind of presentation of a free icons set of 80+ e-Commerce and business icons. Plus, the author gave a permission to share these freebies with DesignWebKit readers, i.e. with you.

By Ann Davlin 2012-09-10 0 4,912
Responsive Web Design Frameworks For Lazy And Savvy Developers

Responsive web design is a thing that every business company wants to have. From day to day the number of devices that people use to browse the web grows and online resources need to correspond to this trend. Moreover, there are several popular browsers and their updates which need to display websites correctly.

By Ann Davlin 2012-09-06 0 11,317
Most Common Web Design Mistakes And What You Can Do About Them

Almost all these web design mistakes are visible to the naked eye. Probably, all of you have already seen these blunders of web design. As long as this post contains nothing new for you, you can ask “Why the hell, do we waste your time?”. The answer is quite simple: all these faults are rather

By Ann Davlin 2012-08-23 1 5,011