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100 Fresh & Free Packs of Photoshop Brushes You Should Have in 2012

Having a great collection of Photoshop brushes is essential for any creative person. These days the main issue with Photoshop brushes is not in looking for them, but in finding high-quality brushes. An overstock of materials for a designs creation leads to time loss.

By Nancy Young 2012-10-10 0 36,561
Prepare Your Website for Scare: 48 Halloween Freebies

Time’s running out and Halloween 2012 comes closer. People start caring about finding good holiday jokes as well as buying sweets and pumpkins. And I bet you already know which Halloween costume you and your kids will be dressed in. Haven’t you thought about it yet?

By Ann Davlin 2012-10-09 0 19,894
Free E-Commerce and Business Icon Set – Grab and Run

Several days ago I’ve found an interesting email in my Inbox folder. There was a kind of presentation of a free icons set of 80+ e-Commerce and business icons. Plus, the author gave a permission to share these freebies with DesignWebKit readers, i.e. with you.

By Ann Davlin 2012-09-10 0 4,912
12 Festive Christmas Icon Sets for Creative Designers

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle of the way…!!We all are waiting for the shining winter holiday! Our favourite merry and happy Christmas is coming!! People decorate their houses, flats, and offices. Bloggers and designers beautify their websites and portfolios to make their admired online place the best one. And what about you? Are you ready

By Emily Williams 2011-12-15 0 8,551
Christmas Offer: 20% Off on Moto CMS and Flash CMS Templates

Christmas is a great time to express love and good wishes for those we care! So, Merry Christmas, dear community! May the Christmas season brings happiness, joy, prosperity to your homes and fills your hearts with joy and love! Christmas is the time of giving and sharing. It always brings great discounts, bonuses and promos.

By Tina Zennand 2010-12-21 0 2,634