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The Power of Papervision 3D: 15 Impressive Websites

Hi everyone! Today we decided to take a break from tutorials and create a collection of attractive Papervision 3D websites to please you. Viewing these interactive websites, you will have an idea of how to use the PV3D technique in your works. We hope the collection will inspire you and will be helpful for your

By Tina Zennand 2010-07-21 0 3,983
The Most Attractive Papervision 3D Galleries

Papervision is a 3D engine for the Flash platform. It appeared about 3 years ago and started as an easy way to transform MovieClips to achieve the 3D illusion. Now this amazing technology is widely used for creating interactive galleries. With Papervision 3D the opportunities are endless. This collection includes the most brilliant Papervision 3D

By Tina Zennand 2010-06-28 5 3,566
Getting Started with Papervision 3D: Tutorials for Beginners. Part 1

Today we would like to present you a collection of interesting and helpful Papervision 3D tutorials for beginners where you will find a brief introduction to 3D technology and what Papervision provides to the users. With the help of these tutorials you will learn how to draw simple objects, how to use Papervision 3D egine

By Tina Zennand 2010-06-04 0 2,662
Papervision 3D – Video Tutorials (Part 1)

We hope you agree that it isn’t enough to know what PaperVision 3D is, the most important is to learn how to use it. If you want to make the most of Papervision 3D software, then you’ll spend some time to watch the video tutorials listed below. These video tutorials come from YouTube and are

By Tina Zennand 2010-03-15 0 2,234
Another PaperVision 3D Template is Available

A while back we’ve told you about beautiful PaperVision 3D Templates. We hope you’ve enjoyed their design and usability and you’ll be pleased to know that a new template of this kind has been recently offered for sale. The newly launched PaperVision 3D Template will bring a unique view to your website content, particularly images.

By Tina Zennand 2010-02-18 0 2,400
PaperVision 3D Templates That Will Impress You

Today we’ll speak about web page designs that ?an take your website to the next level. We’ll focus on PaperVision 3D Templates, to be exact. PaperVision 3D Templates are Flash templates based on ActionScript 3 and made with the PaperVision 3D engine. You may ask yourself, what makes PaperVision 3D Templates so special? These templates

By Tina Zennand 2010-01-14 0 3,458
Introduction To Augmented Reality

This is a great video tutorial from Lee Brimelow which gives you some basics of how to get started with a kind of trendy thing today called augmented reality. By nature, the augmented reality is an ActionScript library used in conjunction with Papervision3D to map 3D objects onto the printed patterns patterns put before a

By Tina Zennand 2009-08-27 1 2,419
Papervision3D 2.0 Interactive Cube

This tutorial shows you how to use Papervision3D 2.0 to create an interactive cube navigator. The material is performed in video format, so it could be easier for you to understand the whole process. The author provides the link to the source code as well.

By Tina Zennand 2009-08-21 0 2,188
Papervision3D Programming Tutorial: Mesh Splitting

See this tutorial to get a basic idea of how you can use the Papervision MeshUtil.cutTriangleMesh function to split a mesh into two parts. Demo and source code are included.

By Tina Zennand 2009-08-11 0 1,755
Papervision Programming Tutorial: SkyBox

One of the easiest ways to generate the look of this outside world is a sky box. Essentially it is a box that contains the player (or more specifically the camera). If you move the box so its position is always centred on the camera, and make it large enough to encompass the 3D world

By Tina Zennand 2009-08-03 0 1,992