Are you into front-end development and keep your eye on recent trends in the field? If yes, I bet that you’ve heard a lot about the miraculous React JS.
PHP is the most widely used language for server-side programming, the majority of the websites run on PHP coding. It is most popular among developers due to its abundance of benefits such as affordability, quicker turnaround time and greater security etc. However, using raw PHP code to build complex websites and apps from the bottom
To deliver mobile applications faster is one of the biggest challenges that enterprises are facing. In this article, we suggest you some of the recommended steps that will help enterprises to achieve their app delivery goals.
It’s not a secret that web design trends come and go. Some of them, the minor ones, flash on the sky only once and fade, the others tend to evolve and have undulating popularity. Flat web design can be attributed to the latter group with no doubt.
Have you ever wondered what’s the secret of such well-known brands as Nike, Adidas, Tiffany & Co, Dropbox, and others? Their CTAs are powerful enough to make first-time visitors take a closer look at their offerings, subscribe to their news feeds, and buy.
What are your first associations with the word “hotel”? Business trips or vacations as usual. It doesn’t matter which of the two comes to your mind first, both of them mean a definite level of comfort and service. Decades ago it was rather easy to choose a hotel because there were just few of them
The Internet rocked the world. Especially the world of commerce. Does anyone can remember when exactly the prefix “e” came to use? Thanks to the world wide web we are capable of selling, offering and buying for money anything we want, anytime and at any place all over the world. E-commerce is simple, time-saving, secure
Commercial activity has already grown out of usual boundaries. Internet technologies changed the process of product purchase forever. The notion of ecommerce dug deeply in minds of consumers and business people. No matter whether you have – a small business or run large company – you must have a website for your business. Otherwise, you
What does a website commonly need to conquer its potential audience? No matter to what category it is referred, every website must undoubtedly be user-friendly and have a beautiful design.
I love new things! When I see a product that I haven’t seen before I just eager to try it and learn what’s new with it. And today I’m happy to share with you a cool news from our friends of MotoCMS. Their new website along with an absolutely refreshed and improved product is officially