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Zoey Peregrine

Benefits of Using an API to Integrate Location Data

APIs have provided a lot of relief to the app developers and all those related to IT and the end-users. (Who don’t have to log in their credentials every time. They can just sign in to their previously saved Google and Facebook credentials to verify themselves) due to this, the workload has tremendously decreased, bringing

By Zoey Peregrine 2022-07-08 0 4,991
How To Prep Your SEO Strategy For A New Website

You have finally done it! After months of planning, discussion, and crumpled-up paper, you have finally launched your brand new website. What’s now? After creating and launching a new website, most people don’t know what to do next. They simply wait…and wait for visitors to flood their website. As if that is going to happen! The type of

By Zoey Peregrine 2022-07-03 0 5,563
Boost Your Chances of an IT Career

Working in the IT industry is something that a lot of people would love to do, and this is for a variety of reasons. Modern technology has become increasingly important in our lives over recent years, and many of those now looking to develop careers have never known a world without access to technology. In

By Zoey Peregrine 2022-07-03 0 4,945
Bathroom Trends of 2022

The bathroom is a favored room for remodeling, as there is no limit to perfection when it comes to them. So here are the top trends for them in 2022, which will give you ideas on how to improve and remodel your bathroom. And if you are looking for commercial bathroom sinks for sale right

By Zoey Peregrine 2022-06-27 0 5,270
How To Find and Hire a Web Designer in 2022

A savvy web designer is the backbone of your website’s beauty and conversions. This person is responsible for your website and the first impression of your product or service. On the shoulders of the web designer falls the entire responsibility for the visual appeal of your website or landing page. This is precisely a third

By Zoey Peregrine 2022-06-23 0 4,231
Why Your Startup Needs a Website

Navigating through the business world can be a challenge, especially if you’ve just entered it. It’s a long journey full of trials and errors. However, these days, the internet offers help. Traditionally, businesses could only operate out of stores and markets. Now, you can do so from anywhere and put your products and services on

By Zoey Peregrine 2022-06-20 0 4,180
A Beginner’s Guide To An Email Validator API

One of the most successful ways to reach people who are interested in your product or service is with email marketing. However, sending emails to incorrect email addresses can result in high bounce rates and poor deliverability, resulting in a negative sender reputation. An email validator API can assist you in identifying and removing bogus

By Zoey Peregrine 2022-06-20 0 3,165
Why Developers Need a VPN

Most developers don’t get the crucial importance of a VPN in their work. Web and app developers work with sensitive information all the time. This valuable data is always vulnerable to theft if you don’t protect your privacy with a VPN. A quality VPN is the best cybersecurity measure for developers. How Do VPNs Work?

By Zoey Peregrine 2022-06-20 0 2,823
3 Branding Tips for Local Businesses

One of the things that local businesses may have overlooked when advertising within a local market is the importance of developing a brand. That is something we seem to relegate to online marketing but establishing a brand is essential within your local community for a number of reasons. Of primary importance is that you want

By Zoey Peregrine 2022-06-03 0 2,807
Content Writing Guide for Newbie Writers Online 

Newbie writers face common issues like content plagiarism, lack of skill in article writing, and certainly syntactical hazards. They should learn how to compose high-quality content which is a masterpiece for readers. The formal content composition rules are varied and modified. Naturally, try to have the expertise in this domain collecting experience. This quick free

By Zoey Peregrine 2022-06-01 0 2,986