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Web Design Tips

6 Tips to Create an Effective Call to Action Button

If you are stuck because in the process of creating your one and only website you have reached that stage in which you will have to design a call to action button, then you should totally have a look at the following suggestions. The paragraphs that are to come will show you exactly what you

By Adrian 2013-05-30 0 5,983
Top 10 Most User-friendly Content Management Systems

There are plenty of different content management systems all around the Internet. No matter you’re setting a personal blog, a corporate website or just want to start out your online business, the age of CSS and hand-codding pages are left in the past. Today all it takes is purchasing hosting and installing a content management

By Nancy Young 2012-11-16 0 17,767
9 Valuable Design Protocols Every Designer Should Follow

Internet has hit the world like a storm and has revolutionized the way everything works now. An average person spends a major chunk of his day surfing through the web, and the Internet is believed to have answers for all the plausible questions one can think of. Given the present scenario, where the popularity and

By Mark Wilston 2011-12-27 0 5,724
Short Guide How to Choose Keywords to Promote Your Design Portfolio

Designers try to use SEO keywords to drive traffic to their websites and portfolios. Choosing random keywords for your website just for traffic is not enough. The keywords must be created specifically for visitors to find the website in search engines. Choose the wrong keywords and your business will be lost in the shuffle while

By Rebecca Jones 2011-12-21 0 8,081
7 Easy Steps to Perfect Web Design

The mind of a web designer is always full of crazy design ideas. Web designing is a process that can be broken down in numerous styles by designers all over the world. If it is well thought out and considered properly, it can be enhanced in many various ways. But for a creative process that

By Conroy James 2011-11-24 0 5,317
Quick Tips for a Beginning Web Designer

A web designer always keeps in mind lots of things. If you are a beginner and just starting your journey as a designer, here are some quick tips for you to learn at an early stage. And for all those who have a little more experience in designing websites, this list may become a reminder

By Tina Zennand 2011-08-10 0 4,268