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How to Purchase a Domain Name – A Few Simple Steps to Follow

The first question you have to find the answer to when building a website is how to purchase a domain name. Each platform needs a catchy and unique address to convey information about one’s brand to visitors and search engines. Our step-by-step guide will help you to go online quickly with the domain name and hosting service that suggests an excellent solution for websites.

how to choose a domain name

6 Tips to Consider Before You Purchase a Domain Name

Choosing a domain name for your website is an important decision, as that’s how your target audience will see you on the web. Don’t try to just stick to the trends when thinking of how to purchase a domain name. Choose the name that will reflect your business and remain relevant within years. Follow our tips when buying a domain name to attract clients and gain success.

how to choose the right domain

1. Do Your Research and Check Your Competitors

Study your niche and try to understand the needs of your target audience. Determine popular keywords related to your business to show your project’s most beneficial sides. Check out what domain names your competitors prefer, and create your exclusive address using the picked keyword.

If the chosen word is not available, try adding a verb or an adjective to make a word-combination unique and memorable. Keep in mind that your domain name is a part of your brand. Therefore, it should match the way you want people to think of your business. Besides, make sure it is combined harmoniously with your website design. If you still have no idea of how your online platform should look, you need to use a website builder. Select the best website builder and choose the template that meets your expectations.

2. Make Your Domain Easy to Type and Remember

Knowing how to purchase a domain name is not enough for your website to become well-known and successful. If you want to become more recognizable for your clients, your domain name must be easy-to-pronounce and -type. Make it short and catchy for the visitors of your website. Such a domain name will increase the chances that people will remember your site and distinguish it from the thousands of similar ones.

3. Avoid Slang Terms, Hyphens, and Numbers

Try to avoid numbers and hyphens. That’s how people will be able to quickly type your domain name in a search line. In case the name of your brand contains numbers, purchase both digit and word versions of the address. Otherwise, don’t mention numbers at all. The same goes for hyphens.
Moreover, if you aim to become well-known worldwide, do your best to avoid slang terms that can change their meaning within the next 5 or 10 years. Keep the domain name clear for non-native speakers who run into such expressions for the first time.

4. Opt for .com If Possible

The majority of web users try .com ending when typing the needed domain name. Buy the domain name with this extension in case you decided to create your business website to prevent confusion of visitors or potential clients looking for your platform.

5. Don’t Buy Domains That Belong to Trademarks or Similar Websites

Before you decide for yourself how to purchase a domain name, make sure it doesn’t belong to a trademark. If you use a popular trademarked term to rank your website, you risk gaining legal issues relating to property rights violations. Use online tools such as whois to confirm your domain is different from any trademarks on the web.

However, even if the chosen phrase isn’t trademarked, don’t buy domain names that belong to the sites that existed before. It would help if you were one-of-a-kind, whether your business belongs to a popular or rare niche. Look for some alternatives!

6. Verify Social Media Platforms

Once you pick a domain name you want to implement, check out if there are any similar sites or company names on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest. Regardless of the fact that you’re planning to use social media platforms or not, you might need a reserved page for your business in the future. Therefore, you should double-check whether someone has taken it or not.

An Ultimate Guide of How to Purchase a Domain Name

After having been informed of all mistakes you could have made while choosing a web address, you might be interested in everything related to the topic ‘How to purchase a domain name’. We’ve prepared a clear and accurate guide that will help you create a creative and memorable domain for your website. Follow our list of 5 steps that cover the address registration process in all details.

Step 1. Choose a Reliable Platform for Buying a Domain

choose a relaible domain platform

Before you find out how to buy the domain name, select your hosting and domain provider. A domain registrar can register a domain name on your behalf, and provide you with access to that address. Make sure you’ve picked the most appropriate one out of a wide selection of registrars, represented on the market.

Step 2. Search the Domain Name to Represent Your Brand

Based on the tips mentioned above, find out one or more keywords to represent your business. Of course, you can ignore that advice and use your name or the name of your brand to establish a domain. However, the benefit of keywords in comparison to your brand’s name is that SEO will bring you more traffic and rank your site higher. Use Google Keyword Planner or KWFinder to select the keywords that can boast of a high search volume and low competition.

Try to create a domain name that will meet all essential parameters. In case you don’t have any fresh ideas, apply Domain Wheel or any other domain name generator to ease the process of selecting a catchy address. Besides, you can try to transfer a domain you already use.

how to buy a suitable domain

Click on the button to open the next page and to see if it’s possible to use the address you prefer.

domain transfer

Step 3. Check Whether the Chosen Domain Name Is Available

The next important step in our “How to purchase a domain name” guidebook is checking the availability of the selected address. You can do this within just a few clicks.

  1. Enter the name in the search bar and look through the list of options available for registration.

2. Check out whether the TLD you’re interested in is on the list, or add it yourself. Select the available domain name. It will take you about a few seconds to implement this step.

checking the domain name

Step 4. Buy and Register Your New Domain Name

If you figured out the right combination of a keyword-based domain name and TLD, it’s high time to purchase it. As a rule, you can buy a domain name while signing up for a hosting plan or buy it via a dedicated registrar or hosting.
If you’re looking for a comprehensive solution, the MotoCMS domain hosting will guide you in everything related to how to purchase a domain name. The company offers a lot of additional benefits, including

  • easy in-built DNS management
  • useful redirecting tool
  • low initial cost
  • a free SSL certificate
  • 24/7 customer support, and more.

Launch your website, and make sure it successfully runs on the web using MotoCMS hosting providers. Apply innovative solutions to solve the issues you will face after establishing your online business.

Final Conclusion – How to Purchase a Domain Name Hassle-Free

To sum up, you don’t need to have special skills to build a successful website with a rare domain. Our tips about how to purchase a domain name will help you solve this issue as quickly as possible. Try to think outside the box, and your web address will undoubtedly attract a lot of visitors. The mentioned steps are effective regardless of what type of website you plan to create. Besides, you can also follow effective marketing strategies for eCommerce stores to improve your online business and increase your income.

Zoey Peregrine
Zoey is a skillful content manager and SEO copywriter. She is interested in digital marketing and also writes informative articles on web development. In her free time, she prefers reading and taking part in quests.
More articles by Zoey Peregrine

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