Custom Check Designs – How to Create Them For Your Business

Thinking of creating office stationery for your brand? A business check is undoubtedly a part of it. Did you know that custom business check designs can imply your brand value and reputation? Creating a check on your own is a time-consuming process if you are a novice but we are here for your help. In a few minutes, you can create professional custom check designs exclusively for your business. Curious to know how? Let’s get started!

check designs

Pick a Tool To Create Custom Check Designs

No, we are not going to persuade you to purchase a product. All that you need is a free tool that lets you create the design in its platform. Several online design websites tend to let you use in-built templates to kickstart your design. However, you can also use the traditional Paint application or Photoshop software or a trustworthy online site based on your knowledge level.

Tip – Before you customize designs for your business, you may need to know what is accepted and what is not. The hack is to take a look at existing templates to silently grab some ideas for your business.

Choose a Layout

The layout of the business check establishes the foundation. This includes size, color, shape, and font faces. This step is vital as a slight compromise in one of these factors can impact your brand value. OpenSourceText has these business size blank checks in generally 3-page format. The conventional dimension of a check is 8.24 inches x 3 inches. On an A4 page, you can print 3 checks on one page.

custom check design

Now that you have drafted the size of the check, the next step is to pick colors from the palette. This is when you need to check your brand’s color theme and apply it to your business check. A quick approach to find out the color theme is to take a business card or any stationery and find out the colors used. Use the same color in the background. If you prefer sticking to one colored background, choose only the prime color of your business. However, stick to black font if you are running short of ideas for the font color.

When you customize the design, it is quite natural to alter shapes to make it look attractive. Based on the dimensions mentioned above, the check shape appears in a rectangular format. Feel free to alter it for your business. The final aspect to be covered in this section is font. A good idea is to use the font-face as in the letterhead or business card. This is meant to achieve consistency. A quick tip is to avoid fonts that are broader and bigger. These can affect spacing present in the business check.

Let’s Design

When you have a layout in place, the next step is to design. If you are customizing the check for your business, you must be aware of basic information in any check. Make sure there are placeholders for basic information so you can add any other elements or improve the design based on your interest. Placeholders are required for the recipient’s name, the amount in words and numbers, date, check number, routing number, account number, and bank name. You can print the company name as standard information in all the checks.


Want your business check to look unique but need some ideas too? Here you go!

  1. Change the background pattern of your check by fixing a theme or a shape. For instance, if you are a financial institution, you can include currency notes as the background pattern. This can instantly connect with your actual business.
  2. Explore a two-sided check. As you have designed one side with the information mentioned above, you can use the other to input employee or vendor information. How does that sound? Interesting and productive, right?
  3. Add a border to your check to make it look professional.
  4. Include icons in the check to make it appear interactive.
  5. How about a pre-printed check? If you have a standard payout for specific purposes, you can explore this pre-printed check.
  6. Include a user manual at the backside so the receiver knows how, where, and when to use the check.
  7. Play with colors but never overdo as it can affect readability as well as printability of the check.

Certain business checks look uniform in terms of design with other office stationery. However, several other businesses prefer printing checks based on festivals to stay unique. Though these business checks are meant for filing internally, these should look professional and printable. As soon as the customization is done, you can turn it into a template so it can be modified based on the need at that time. This template saves money as well as time.

Time to Implement

Tool, layout, design – all done! What’s next? You need a hard copy of the business check to file in your company’s record management system. How to ensure if your customized business check design is right? When it is

  • printable
  • attractive at the first instance
  • with appropriate spacing limits
  • containing necessary space holders
  • readable

The custom check designs need to be printed in a chemically sensitive paper that guarantees erasure protection, microprint border, and foil hologram. Alternatively, using high-security background colors will improve printability and ink does not erase or gets ruined during the printing process. Make sure you also include a watermark of your business’s logo in the check. This connects the receiver to the business immediately.

The first impression of your custom-designed check matters! Ask your peers for suggestions and update the design accordingly. To print with an appropriate spacing limit, you can use software applications like Quicken or Quickbooks or even free platforms like Canva to alter the design. It is essential to pilot print the business check to find out if there are any overlaps in letters or space holders.

Quick Tips to Create Custom Designs for Business Checks

Every business has an identity. You may have to explore the actual purpose behind creating the business check and also list down the recipients. As a matter of gratitude, you can include employee group pictures as the background watermark or at one of the corners of the check. This can quickly boost your company morale and also let the design appear extremely unique.

Include your business logo in the left or right corners of the check and bank logo on the other side. It conveys the message and appears directional to the recipient. Customize the design by including a local attraction. For instance, a New York-based firm can include a picture of the statue of liberty. This design approach promotes business visibility as well as reputation in the market.

Before we sign off, our two cents are here. In creating a customized design for your business check, you may need to explore elements like why, what, when, and where. These can lead to the answer of how to create one. Sketch your check first and then create the original version of it. This sketch lets you make necessary iterations and produce the perfect outcome. In a matter of a few hours, your business check is ready with its customized design and you also acquire the hat of a designer!

Zoey Peregrine
Zoey is a skillful content manager and SEO copywriter. She is interested in digital marketing and also writes informative articles on web development. In her free time, she prefers reading and taking part in quests.
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