8 Shiny Twitter Tools You Can’t Live Without
There is no need to ask you whether you have a twitter account or not. We already know the answer 🙂 Our daily life is fully connected with the Internet, so each of us is a small part of this huge Web-World! We so used to share our interests and wishes with the online audience that couldn’t even imagine our existence without social networks and blogging services. Just look at this number! Twitter has 100 million active users! A great amount of people have chosen this place as the most handy tool to spread the news, recommendations and thoughts. Only with one click it’s possible to share another person’s tweet, we called it – retweet, apportion the message with all your twitter community and even post the feed of message to eyeballs on other websites. You’ll say, what can be more convenient and easy to deliver the data to the followers? But, who search, those find 🙂
Today, we are going to showcase you eight useful applications that allow Internet users to tweet quicker and make the process of tweeting really intuitive and accessible. We’ve made the research and now are really glad to present it to you for a review. So, let’s plunge into the deep and engaging Twitter universe!
TweetDeck is the popular application enables Internet users to access the microblogging service and sorts posts into customized columns. Its lovers can easily and quickly send tweets, view Twitter profiles and split people they follow into groups. One more handy function is URL shortening, which lets make links substantially shorter in the length and still direct to the required page. Recently (on May 25, 2011) TweetDeck was purchased by Twitter for $50 million and became the part of the official microblogging platform. This merger was predictable, as Twitter and social media users always were the main audience of TweetDeck. Estimate its cool advantages yourself and share your opinion in comments section.
This third-party application makes it easier to manage Twitter accounts and relationships. Hootsuite lovers start the usage of the app with the organizing lists and columns, cause in a such way they’ll always be in the centre of all Twitter news and can keep track of what’s going on. One more advantage of this media dashboard is that the app enables to feed Facebook, Foursquare and other social networks into Hootsuite, and it’s possible to schedule and publish messages to different social media streams and participate in discussions. Moreover, after renovation of Facebook functionality within HootSuite, users have a great opportunity to upload photos direct to Facebook, post to pages and profiles and monitor events, comments and walls of their friends.
If you have your own idea how to improve your Hootsuite account visit http://feedback.hootsuite.com and maybe your new feature will rock the Twitter World 🙂
Source: triberr.com
Triberr is the tool aggregates the RSS feeds from all members of a “tribe” and then allows users to automatically or manually post them into their own Twitter stream. Triberr is perfect for you if you are a blogger, you can easily retweet the articles of the authors you trust. Every time you add a new post, each Triberr user will retweet it to their followers and then you also do the same for everyone in your tribe-list. So the scheme is pretty simple, but very effective and impactful. There is only one little interesting point, the nonofficial Triberr slogan is “Triberr is not for every one”. You need to get an invitation to become a member of this “closed” community. But when you’ll receive it, you appreciate the whole strength and support of the Triberr society.
Tweepi is the Twitter management tool with stats. This handy app helps you to manage quickly your Twitter experience. It based on four main tools: Flush, Reciprocate, Cleanup and Follow.
If you do not want to follow users that don’t follow you, you can simply get rid of them 🙂 Just utilize Flush feature and unfollow people that do not reciprocate your friendship. In order not to make a mess in your followers system Tweepi has invented Reciprocate tool, it shows you tweeps that follow you, but which you do not follow. And as the Reciprocate element based on the statistics by Tweepi, you can choose yourselves follow them back or not. By using Cleanup tool, Tweepi fans can easily shorten the list of their friends that send spam only or even left Twitter. The Follow feature enables to create lists of users who share the same interests and also suggests people you might want to follow. It is based on your interests, for example, if you are interested in webdesign related tweeps you can follow users following @designmotoblog and @speckyboy.
Twylah is one more handy and advantageous tool for Twitter lovers. It gives absolutely new look of incoming and outgoing dynamic tweets. You only have to connect Twylah to your Twitter account in the usual way and enjoy the usage of its realization. You’ll get a new appearance of this social media tool and have the opportunity to choose what you want to see in two-column interface. The real benefit of Twylah is the ability to look through your most frequently published topics, this statistic will be displayed in the red tabs across the top. Just try this cool Twitter tool and ensure by yourselves how engaging and useful it is.
CoTweet is a skillful social media management analytics tool, which helps active Internet enjoyers keep their Web-presence in order. It is also a real discovery for small and big companies, because of the ability to track and analyze discussions about their brands across the Twitter and Facebook communities. Moreover it supports iPhnoe version, so is accessible any time you need. CoTweet is easily accessed through any web browser and allows up to six Twitter accounts. The standard edition is absolutely free, so let’s try it right now!
Twitterfeed is the magic WordPress plugin, it’s a real catch for bloggers! This functional tool allows you to feed your blog into Twitter. It takes only two minutes to sign up and all you have to do is to paste the URL of your website’s RSS feed and the number of tweets per day, Twitterfeed will do the rest. The gold of this feature is that it helps bloggers to save time and drive traffic to the website by automatically updates to your Twitter account every time you add new article. It’s also possible to view statistics to analyse what links generate clicks on your twitter account.
Timely application helps you schedule your tweets in the most effective way. Are you curious how it works? Just add your tweet to the app, and when it will have the highest impact, Timely will publish your Twitter-message! By using this clever method of tweeting, you’ll by far get more retweets, mentions, direct messages and of course more followers! And when the number of your Twitter-fans grows, Timely adapts and analyses what new times for tweeting will be the best. It’s really easy and compelling service. So let’s take the advantage of Timely app and stop worrying about when your tweets will be published!