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Influencer Marketing Tricks – How to Make the Most Out of an Influencer

Some businesses have a lot of problems when they are starting out. It would seem like there is enough budget to spend, but the results are simply not showing up, no matter the efforts. There might a good way to break the ice. Influencer marketing could be the answer to the problem you have. It has become quite popular recently and continues to gain even more momentum. Check out this resource from Oberlo for more info on it and find out how does influencer marketing work.

influencer marketing main

But if you want to gain an even better understanding, you will want to read this article and gain that extra step against the competition and give yourself an even bigger edge.

Looking at the Top

According to various sources, the likes of Selena Gomez makes more than half a million dollars for a promotional post on Instagram. Cristiano Ronaldo gets around 400 thousand. And Kardashians are also somewhere there.

The top of the lot can make a fortune with little to no work. This showcases just how effective influencer marketing is, and Instagram models and celebrities are just a small part of that.

Working With Influencer Marketing – How It Works

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It is highly unlikely that you will be able to spend that much money on a single post. But that should not be anything to get discouraged by. You can get a decent ROI by simply hiring a lesser-known influencer and paying him or her much less.

There are a few ways that you can get your products or services promoted. The most common method would be sending it to an influencer for free in exchange for a single post on their channels. You could also strike a partnership for a longer period of time and provide them with various perks for a constant promotion. Since more and more customers are starting to doubt corporations, it is natural that they look for recommendations from various individuals.

Find the Perfect Influencer Marketing

One of the biggest challenges you are going to face is finding the right influencer. There are quite a few fakes in every industry, and they are doing everything they can just to get some free stuff. Your first step should be writing down what you know. If you are already following certain authorities in your industry, they could become the answer to the problem. If you are lacking in that area, consider asking for some advice from your coworkers or friends who happen to be in the same industry. They should have some recommendations.

Use Tools

influencer marketing strategies

The biggest focus is on social media, no doubt about it. However, there are some tools online which are created for this particular purpose. One of the best examples of them would be BuzzSumo and Klout. Also, you could try your luck on websites like Reddit and Quora as well as niche-specific forums. Finally, do give LinkedIn a try as it is one of the most underrated social media platforms out there.

Approach Them

Some influencers might be easier to deal with, whereas others might need more convincing. It is impossible to predict who will respond to you via direct message, so it is often recommended to get yourself noticed at first. Try by engaging with their content, like leaving comments, sharing it, etc. Be sure to use a business account rather than a personal one. And who knows, they might see you and be the ones to contact you instead of the other way around, giving you more leeway in negotiations.

Be Grateful

If you see that things are going well, you should always thank them. It does not necessarily have to be something physical like sending free products their way, though this sort of thing should also be encouraged. A simple “thank you” can go a long way.

Maintain Relationships

Finding a reliable influencer is difficult and you can never be certain about the person who would come next. Thus, it is important to keep a good relationship with him or her and ensure that you will have someone to work with in the future.

Help Them and Expect the Same

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It should not be a one-man operation, but rather a cooperative partnership deal in which both parties carry out their duties. There are bound to be some questions during the whole process so make sure that you are available. Ignoring is never a good thing.

Influencer Marketing – Follow Up

If you do decide to give influencer marketing a go, do not stick to just a single post. There is a lot of merits to come up with an entire campaign and putting yourself out there to an even bigger audience. In a word, this article should work as a great guide to everyone who wants to get a better understanding of influencer marketing and get the most out of what it has to offer. The next time you are looking to hire an influencer, you will certainly be more prepared.

Zoey Peregrine
Zoey is a skillful content manager and SEO copywriter. She is interested in digital marketing and also writes informative articles on web development. In her free time, she prefers reading and taking part in quests.
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