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Papervision For Beginners: Loading Complex Models

Papervision tutorials for beginners are continuing.  In this article you will learn how to modify the “Creating Objects” project again, this time to load a Collada Model file.

Loading Collada files is the fastest and easiest way in Papervision 3d to get a complex model into your scene. By changing a few lines in your code, you can quickly load a model of a cow and make it spin!

You’ll need to use the org.papervision3d.objects. DisplayObject3D package to store our model in. This will store the geometry, materials and everything like the position and rotation. We’ll also need the Collada file parser. The whole process is rather simple and understandable.

Tina Zennand
Tina is a writer who has been working with MotoCMS since early 2010. In her articles she covers various aspects of web design and web development. She is also a marketing manager for MotoCMS websites. You can follow her on Twitter or Google +.
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