Andy Zupko’s class will let you cast the shadow of any object onto any plane that has a MovieMaterial. It’s a unique method which enables casting precise shadows onto a plane. The plane is singled out here because if you do anything other than a plane it will be much heavier on the CPU. This
Very informative and detailed article on how to create a Papervision Planetarium. Demo shows real constellations found on sites like NOMAD (they use standard astro-celestial coordinates). The author used particle technique to make this planetarium. In general, there are lots of things things you can do with particles: make fire, smoke, a flock of birds,
Today pixel perfection became one of the important components of a great website. While achieving pixel precision in Papervision 3D you may face such problems: – a material should be rendered as in 1:1 scale of the original texture – a precise pixel level match between 2d and 3d content is necessary This tutorial offers