
Get a Dedicated Gaming Server for these Online Games 

Video games have gone online in recent years and there’s no looking back. With popular online games like Minecraft and League of Legends, gamers can connect with other gamers all around the world and compete in their favorite games. But to really take your online gameplay to the next level, many are now using a dedicated gaming server to host their favorite games. A dedicated server allows you to have an unmatched level of control in your gaming experience by customizing features such as gameplay rules, player load-outs, and more. A dedicated server also offers a more reliable and secure connection to your online games.

But what exactly is a gaming server? And what online games is a dedicated gaming server ideal for? Here, we’re taking a closer look at dedicated gaming servers and how they can revolutionize your online gaming experience. We then review some of the most popular online games that, once you’ve used a dedicated gaming server, will never be the same again.

What is a Dedicated Gaming Server?

Growing up, most of us played video games against the computer. Whether speeding around a racetrack or fighting off zombies, you could only play the computer or with friends in the room if you had enough extra controllers. But, like many other activities we took part in when we were younger, the internet changed everything.

With online games, you can now connect with gamers from all over the world and compete. And what’s the best way to host these massive online games? By having your very own dedicated gaming server. Simply enough, a gaming server works as the computer that hosts an online game. Over the years, more and more gamers are seeing the benefits of using a dedicated gaming server.

By having a separate server dedicated solely to hosting your online game, you can have a faster, more secure, and more reliable connection. Dedicated servers also offer better processing, storage, and memory capacities to run your game fluidly and optimize your overall gaming experience.

How Does a Gaming Server Work?

Essentially, a gaming server works as a location for all the hosting duties of your gaming experience. The gaming server keeps the game running smoothly for all the players—no matter where they are—and manages features of your gameplay, such as player activity, rules, scores, and even player load-outs.

A gaming server, however, doesn’t impact other aspects of your gameplay controlled by the game engine. Thus, features like the game’s graphics, sound, or controls won’t be changed if you’re using a dedicated server. What you will have is the opportunity to host your online gameplay in a secure and customizable environment.

Get a Dedicated Server for These Online Games

 1. Minecraft

If you haven’t heard of Minecraft, we’d be a little worried. This online game has become a pop culture sensation and is truly unlike any other gaming experience. With unique graphics and a massive, almost limitless world to explore, Minecraft has something for everyone. You can battle, build, explore, and create on your own or in tandem with your favorite Minecraft buddies. This game has become so popular that it’s spawned t-shirts, toys, and even its own television shows.

2. APEX Legends

First-person shooters have long been some of the most popular online games—and APEX Legends certainly doesn’t disappoint. Choose from a host of legendary characters, each with unique skills and abilities, and choose your squad to do battle. Play with friends and match your unique weapons and skills to be the last squad standing. With various modes of gameplay and endless combinations of abilities, this game is perfect for having a dedicated gaming server because you can save your custom rules and load-outs.


Looking for one of the most popular online battle royal games? Look no further than PUBG. Standing for “PlayerUnkown’s Battleground,” this immersive online game was launched in 2017 and now has countless players. In this shooter game, you can go up against hundreds of other players online in a battle royal style match. Play solo, duo, or in a small team to compete with other gamers all over the world and see who has the best skills.

4. League of Legends

Developed by Riot Games in 2009, this has quickly become one of the world’s most popular online games. In League of Legends, you team up with your friends in an epic collision with other plays. Compete to destroy the other team’s Nexus before they destroy yours by using teamwork, critical thinking, and high-level strategy. Because teamwork is so essential in this game, playing with your friends on a dedicated gaming server is the perfect way to dominate in League of Legends.

5. Call of Duty – Warzone

Call of Duty may be the most popular first-person shooter game of all time. It’s seriously that good. With the newest installation, Call of Duty: Warzone, you can dive into the online multiplayer modes that have made this game so addicting and challenge others from across the globe. Choose from customizable load-outs and powerful weapons to compete in a variety of matches that you’ll never get tired of. With a dedicated gaming server, you can fully customize how you play in the Warzone.

Conclusion – Get a Dedicated Gaming Server for these Online Games

The days of playing Tetris alone are long gone. Online games have the power to connect gamers with friends from all over the world to compete and find out who’s the best. No matter your style of gameplay, there’s an online game out there that’s perfect for your tastes. League of Legends, Call of Duty: Warzone and Minecraft are just a few of the massively popular online games that have hooked gamers from all over the world. By having your very own dedicated gaming server, you’ll have more control over your online gaming than ever before. Manage your players, link up with a secure, reliable connection, and customize a variety of gaming features to make a truly unforgettable gaming experience.