
B2B Website Design – 4 Tips For Designing High Converting Websites

If you own a B2B business, and if you want to get the most value for your business’ online offerings, an attractive, actionable, and responsive B2B website design is a must. But, then designing a conversion-oriented website is more like walking a rope. You miss one thing, and the results go down. Here, we share four expert tips for designing high converting B2B websites. So, buckle up and read on.

B2B Website Design – Clearly Mention Your Offerings

The most important thing you must clearly mention on your B2B website design is the value you offer. This helps filter out whether website visitors are in your target market or not. If your website’s home page clearly lists your services and how you deliver them, only prospects looking for those products or services will take the next step down your conversion funnel. When sharing your value proposition with website visitors, focus on the benefits over the features of your services. 

Gated Content Can Work Wonders

While creating a conversion-oriented website for your B2B business, you can’t neglect the power of gated contentHave you ever visited a web page that seems to have all the information that you are looking for, but you can’t access it entirely until you take action as directed by the site? 

Many marketers use this tactic to barter valuable content in exchange for your information. This surely helps them generate more leads. In fact, 80% of B2B content pieces in 2020 are gated and ask the users to register to get access. Regardless of the CMS that you are using for your website, you can set up a system for gating your content. For a better understanding, here’s a list of content types that work best when gated

Pay Attention To Mobile Friendliness

Google’s reports say that if users have a positive experience with a business’ website, they are 67% more likely to convert. This means that it’s crucial for you to pay attention to improving your website’s user experience for mobile users when you are creating your B2B website design.

So, work on it. It’s always going to help. Many of your prospects across the globe are using mobile phones and tablets to access the web, so you want the mobile experience for your website to be seamless. 

Page Speed Is Always Important

Around 50% of web users leave a website that takes over three seconds to load. Do you see how tough the competition is? If your B2B website doesn’t load quickly, it’s already losing more than half the visitors. As such, a slow loading website can be costing you, prospective customers. So, if you haven’t already done it, start working on your website’s page speed now.

Also, if you want to make sure that your B2B website has the best design keeping all conversion expectations in mind, it’d be better to get in touch with a qualified B2B website design company.

B2B Website Design – Final Words

Creating a good B2B website with an impressive conversion rate can be challenging. With a world of things to consider, prioritizing can be difficult. However, by following the four tips for designing a great B2B website discussed here, you can maximize conversions on your website.