
Essential Design Guidelines for Building iOS Mobile Apps

Have you ever visited an application with enthralling features and phenomenal designs? How enticing was it? Did it provoke you to stay on an application and look for the products/services? A well-constructed and functional application always makes users stay for a long time. On the other hand, a non-functional application discourages users and makes them leave the websites instantaneously. Millions of templates and themes make the building IOS mobile apps process easy. But to stand out in today’s competitive landscape, you need an application that is unique yet innovative. A ‘good ‘application is not adequate to convert users into engaged customers and brand ambassadors. What businesses need is a great application. An application is a clear reflection of a company, products, services, and ultimately brand. Hence, it has to be visually appealing and professional.

Are you considering making an application for your business? If yes, there is an immense need for you to know about the ecosystem, programming languages, toolsets, and efforts involved. An application is just a piece of computer software that seamlessly runs on smartphones. Application for IOS devices is made with a MAC application that is known as X code. And, it is programmed in either Swift or Objective-C. A plethora of applications is directly connected to the internet means they tend to have a back-end that allows storing the data in either cloud or functionality app. However, the development of an IOS application is vaguely challenging. It brings many amendments that have to be integrated with the application to get approved.

A Few Guidelines for Building IOS Mobile Apps

Resolution and Display

The resolution and display specifications of building IOS mobile apps vary from device to device. The designing of the IOS application is done in points (entities with multiple pixels). These points are resolution-independent measurements (the smallest physical elements that can be easily controlled by the developers). A single point for a retina display contains 2 into 2 pixels.

Application’s Icon

The new icons for building IOS mobile apps have a superellipse shape. There is no official template of the shape, so app developers have to use unofficial templates. For versions that are older than IOS 7, developers used to add effects like rounded edges, drop shadows, and gloss effects. However, with Apple’s new versions, developers align the size and elements accordingly.

Know-how About Building IOS Mobile Apps

Whether you are designing a small component or an existing part of an application, you need to design it, code it, and then push it live.

On-Swift and Objective C

If you are an iPhone app developer, you must know that Swift or Objective-C are used for building IOS mobile apps. In comparison to other languages, Swift is a new language that’s hitting the App Store. The popularity and features of this language are highly acclaimed by beginners and advanced programmers. Also, it is interchangeable with Objective-C. That is one of the many reasons why app programmers are opting for Swift. They don’t have to rewrite the entire codebase to be compatible with the new language. People with an intermediate level-proficiency do not need enough time to pick up Objective C or Swift. Especially the people who have worked with similar languages like Java, PHP, or Ruby.

Which is better – Swift or Objective-C?

To tackle objective C is a bit harder because it tends to use a unique syntax. Swift is a better and easy-to-use option for many beginners as well as advanced programmers. It removes the overhead from the development process, making it easier for beginners to develop the application. Whereas objective C is still a standard choice for many all over the world. However, as an IOS developer, you’ll consider the coding of Swift in comparison to Objective C.

Tools and Resources

Did you ever make a mockup but could not get a feel for how the application would look? Well, by working with a ‘creative tacos IOS PSD ‘developers can have an amazing idea about the functionality of an application. In this PSD, there is a compilation of all the IOS components that are impeccable for building IOS mobile apps.

Building iOS Mobile Apps – Going from Beta to Live

Before an application gets published in the Appstore, there is an immense need for programmers to upload it with iTunes connect. Enter the primary information of an application such as description categories, and what icon to use. Your application then enters a review process that is an indispensable requirement of the App store. A reviewer from the management of Apple checks whether your application adheres to the review guidelines or it has bugs. It’s a quality check process that makes sure only well-functional applications enter the APPSTORE. The reviewing process completes in one to two weeks.

Below a shadow of any doubt, building IOS mobile apps involves a multitude of components. And when you are new to this realm, it can be a challenging task to get acquainted with all the tools and processes. Fear not, there are millions of tutorials on the internet that can help you accomplish your goals in no time.