
How a Responsive Website Impacts Your Business Conversions [Free Infographic]

Many websites that are now developed are set up so that they are responsive and adapt to different devices. So whether you access a website through a desktop, tablet or mobile, you will still have a good user experience. However, many older websites do not have this functionality, so mobile users will struggle with navigating around the website.

55% of internet access is through mobiles, so they are now the biggest percentage of internet users. This means that as a business, you should be ensuring that your online marketing is all geared towards mobile users because if they have a bad experience on your website, they are likely to quickly leave your website.

This infographic, The Importance of a Responsive Website indicates some of the biggest issues mobile users encounter with non-responsive sites and how this impacts business conversions. For example, 52% of users say that a bad mobile experience makes them less likely to do business with a company. If you rely heavily on your website to generate business then you really need to get that user experience just right. You really can’t afford for mobile users to become frustrated with your website.

Having a non-responsive site frustrates users and so does having a slow loading website. So when you are looking to upgrade to a responsive website, you need to pick a web hosting provider that offers good performance levels.

If your website users are getting frustrated, they won’t be doing business with you. A frustrated user will just leave your site and find another one that is easier to use, so you really need to get a responsive site if you haven’t got one already.