
Responsive Web Design: Emerging As Brilliant Phase for Future Web Development

Responsive web design is an approach of web designing process that focuses on systematic development of sites for providing an optimal viewing experience. Using this approach it is easier for the users to read and navigate through different web pages with minimum of panning, resizing as well as scrolling across wide range of devices. This wide range of devices includes mobiles, tablets as well as computer desktop monitors too. Responsive web design can also be referred as RWD, Adaptive Web Design or Fluid Web Design. Those websites that are not made responsive are not able to adapt to different screens which can lead to hard viewing and navigation on small devices.

This responsive design works by using a script that detects the screen size of the device from where the website is being viewed from. This script detects each device, whether it’s a laptop, tablet or even a smartphone and then after detecting the screen size, it uses an appropriate CSS for displaying the respective site in an appropriate format. The images can thus be reduced wherever needed in order to fit to smaller areas. Accordingly the menus also change to drop down system instead of horizontal one and at the same time the text is being enlarged.

Responsive web design is indeed a great problem solver, but still there are always some queries that need to be checked each time before launching a site through web design. Some of the main queries that one faces are:

As soon as any of the website adapts the Responsive Web Design, the layout of respective website is viewed using fluid, flexible images, proportion-based grids along with CSS3 media queries and an extension of the @media rule. These are briefly explained below:

Along with that it also delivers richer usability or functionality by avoiding some of the pitfalls related with device-side solutions.

Currently, many of the internet and website users use mobile smartphones or tablets, according to their own convenience in order to view various websites. So in order to serve the necessity of audiences, almost all website are now moving towards responsive web development so as to prevent the disappointment faced by the users. Thus, responsive web development is truly emerging as the most brilliant phase in the world of website development.