
Pop Art Style Elements in Website Designs

1960s were a perfect period for artistic movements. Despite many elements of the 1960s art that are used in modern web design may be classified as retro or vintage, there are a few movements that should be perceived apart of retro style. Pop Art style in web design features bold and unbelievable color combinations, collage paintings, and ordinary stuff as an art object.

Pop Art emerged in early 1960’s when artists were up to blur the line between high art and popular culture. Thanks to such famous american artists as Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Jones and, of course, Andy Warhol, Pop Art appeared as one of the most influential artistic movements of the XX century.

Due to the popularity of Warhol’s portraits of Marilyn Monroe and Liz Taylor in Pop Art traditions, many artists and designers today still create posters and designs “à la Warhol” like this poster and website for the “Jobs” biopic.

Of course, designers do not copy Warhol’s technique blindly. Creative approach allows making Pop Art portraits with a modern twist.


Legwork Studio

This style blends mass media products (TV, comic books, advertising etc.) with “elitary” art elements. Famous paintings of Andy Warhol that depicted Campbell’s soup cans and Coca Cola in psychedelic color palette represent commercial concepts as artistic objects. Consumerism and mass culture were raised to an art form and emphasized. Modern website designs use ordinary stuff with the same goal.

Roll with Maki San

Names for Change

The Legendary Posters

Pop Art traditions in modern website design include kitschy elements of the popular culture. It may be a combination of high-tech components with graffiti or antique art with modern comic characters. Paintings and pictures remind of cartoons, child drawings and graphic novels of the 60s. Newspaper typeface is also extremely popular in Pop Art web designs.

Why Interactive



Color palette of Pop Art style may include a heavy use of psychedelic color combinations. In 1960s psychedelic art was to show the visual expression of the drug intake and feelings it may bring out. Unbelievable and often horrible color combinations, blatantly negligent handwriting typography: all those visually intense elements are to create an image of life beyond the reality.



Pop Art Style Website Template

Pop Art took its inspiration of modernist paintings of the beginning of the XXth century. Curvy lines and soft shapes were taken of Art Nouveaux. Dadaism inspired Pop Artists for collage and typographic elements use. All these elements today are heavily used in Pop Art-inspired website designs.

Public Class

Artist of the Year

Many modern website design styles like grunge or punk may bear Pop Art tradition impact. Here are a few more Pop Art inspired website designs and design elements.

Lets Kiosk

Pop Art Typography Website Template

Malika Favre

Mike Kus