
How to Deal with Gambling Addiction: Resources and Strategies for Singapore Players

Gambling in moderation is often socially acceptable and liked by many people, but doing so excessively may be suggestive of gambling addiction. While the frequency and kind of gambling vary, people with this addiction often succumb to temptation and continue to gamble despite the negative consequences. Worryingly, if left untreated, this ailment can deteriorate over time, wreaking havoc on your financial, social, and psychological well-being.

The signs of gambling addiction might vary either on the addiction or the person. One of the most prevalent habits that gambling addicts display is disguising their addiction or obsessively pursuing bets regardless of the consequences. In severe circumstances, compulsive gamblers may deplete their life savings or even engage in illicit activities in frantic attempts to fund their addiction or repay significant gambling debts.

Trying to stop or control gambling might be difficult but not impossible. A genuine desire to better yourself is essential if you’re determined to kick your gambling problem. Create a strategy that includes defining your aims, building robust support systems, recognizing triggers, regulating emotions, and implementing a maintenance plan.

WeGamble has suggested several methods for Singaporean gamers to take to stop gambling.

Strategies To Stop Gambling Addiction

Recognize the Issue

Recognizing a problem is the most critical step in any addiction treatment. It is sometimes complicated for individuals with addiction to identify it. But, if you start to feel guilty after gambling, use it to cope with pressures, or have trouble quitting once you start gambling, you must recognize these as indicators of gambling addiction.

Understand Why You’re Leaving

Realizing why you want to quit playing is the first stage in resolving your gambling issue or potential addiction. Begin by critically and honestly assessing many aspects of your circle, such as your relationships, family, work, school, finances, health, etc. Think about how your life may change if you give up this habit. A more profound knowledge of why you’ve decided to quit acts as an internal motivation and pushes you to complete the task.

Develop Self-Control

If you’re debating stopping gambling, begin by self-regulating your habit. However, this might include developing a mindful gambling strategy that supports responsible participation and self-accountability. Include detailed specifics about money or time limitations, how to enforce them, and other practical techniques that help develop self-control when you write your strategy. Attempting to regulate your gambling can help you build safer habits and identify whether you can exercise self-control or require a more structured method.

Look for Diversions

The desire to gamble might strike at any time. The yearning might be intense and drive you to your breaking point. It is vital to create a distraction to give you time till the hunger disappears. Diversions are short-term hobbies or distractions that can help you fight cravings while experiencing this experience. Make a list of things you can turn to immediately, like meditating, breathing exercises, or anything else that might ground and remove you from wanting to gamble—but be wary of developing a cross addiction.

Make New Routines

While attempting to stop or restrict your gambling, you may encounter moments of idleness and boredom. Aim to fill your days with activities that will allow you to improve personally and professionally. Find new interests or activities that give purpose to your life, such as volunteering, learning a new skill, traveling, reading, etc. It may initially seem strange as your brain adjusts, but it may become a regular part of your existence with time. It may need some trial and error, so be patient and consistent.

Never Give Up

Making better choices and adopting a healthier lifestyle will help you overcome a gambling addiction or issue. This procedure may encounter several obstacles along the way. Keep going if you make a mistake with your judgment. Instead, see it as a learning experience or an opportunity to grow via this process. Concentrate on how you can do better the next time by discovering healthy ways to regulate your gambling cravings, using positive coping skills when confronted with hurdles that might jeopardize your well-being, and, most importantly, keep trying.

Create a Maintenance Strategy

It is challenging to overcome problem gambling but also difficult to sustain. As a result, developing a health maintenance plan is critical for long-term stability. This strategy may include things like maintaining gambling control or abstinence, building on newly gained abilities, being aware of your warning signals and triggers, applying effective tactics for dealing with cravings, planning for any hurdles that may impair your wellness, joining a support group, and recognizing when to seek professional assistance.

Resources To Help with Gambling Addiction


Psychopharmacological treatment, especially when paired with psychotherapy, can be effective for persons facing a gambling addiction. Certain antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and narcotic antagonists have been shown to reduce gambling cravings and behavior. In certain circumstances, psychotropic medications may treat other disorders that frequently co-occur with gambling addiction.

Support Groups

Support groups or 12-step programs can also be a helpful and inexpensive (if not free) option to enhance existing treatment. Individuals who supplement their rehabilitation with peer-led support groups find more value and encouragement. Several people claim that talking to other recovering gamblers helps them feel validated and better manage their situation.

Recovery And Rehabilitation Programs

In addition, enrolling in inpatient or outpatient residential treatment and rehabilitation treatment facilities can be effective for ongoing care, supplementing primary therapy, treating co-occurring disorders, or in cases of mental deterioration.

Nonetheless, the decision to enter rehab programs is frequently influenced by a person’s mental health requirements, as well as their financial means or health insurance. Another option is to use professionally guided internet-based programs, which help treat gambling addiction in the short term.


While you may feel helpless to overcome your gambling addiction, remember that recovery is still possible, and you are not alone. Thankfully, there are several services available to assist you. They include, among other things, developing a strong support system, regulating your triggers, seeking expert therapy, and having a maintenance plan in place. You may overcome these self-defeating behaviors and live a more fulfilled life with purposeful effort.