
17 Best Twitter Bootstrap Plugins to Use in 2013

Bootstrap was created “…by nerds for nerds…” (it’s a quotation from Bootstrap website, so please don’t blame me for this phrase :)). They say that it’s a really simple and fast framework that helps web developers create awesome stuff. It contains HTML, CSS and JavaScrips conventions.

Here is a well-done presentation that will give you a clear understanding of what Twitter Bootstrap really is:

I guess there is no need to retell you technical specs of Bootstrap – it was clearly explained by Twitter developers. It would be much better to present you Bootstrap plugins that were specifically created for this awesome technology. It’s really great when useful goodies are collected in one place, so I guess you’ll like this round-up.

In case you’re an addict of different frameworks we can offer you to choose some of the Responsive Web Design Frameworks that we’ve showcased earlier.

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Bootstrap Plugins for Web Developers:

1. WordPress Twitter Bootstrap CSS

This plugin lets you integrate the latest Twitter Bootstrap CSS and Javascript libraries in your WordPress site. It will enrich your website design and functionality.

2. JBootstrap

This plugin will bring Twitter Bootstrap functionality into Joomla 2.5. It’s suitable for GPL Compatible Open Source projects only.

3. Twitter Bootstrap Button JavaScript Plugin

This Bootstrap plugin was created to control button states or to create groups of buttons for components like toolbars. The plugin requires jQuery.js and bootstrap-button.js files.

4. Colorpicker and Datepicker for Twitter Bootstrap

By using this plugin you can add color or date picker to a field or any other element.

5. Twipsy Bootstrap Plugin

This plugin is a hovering tooltip with a link inside the tooltip. Just like other Bootstrap JavaScript plugins this one needs jQuery or Ender to work.

6. Twitter Bootstrap Dropdown JavaScript Plugin

This plugin enables you to create drop down menus to almost anything in Twitter Bootstrap.

7. Bootstrap-WYSIHTML5

It’s a simple and beautiful WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor.

8. Twitter Bootstrap ScrollSpy Plugin

This plugin is used for doing automatic updates of nav targets that are based on scroll position.

9. Bootstrap Tab Plugin

This plugin adds tabs or pills navigation, so that you can quickly look through website content.

10. jQuery Simple Colorpicker

It’s a simple jQuery color picker. You can use the plugin with Twitter Bootstrap or without it.

11. Twitter Bootstrap Popover

This plugin is used to display supplementary information of any elements on your website. Small tooltips become visible every time you hover your mouse pointer over elements.

12. Bootbox.js

It is a small JavaScript library that allows you to create programmatic dialog boxes using Twitter’s Bootstrap modals. When using this plugin you don’t need to manage DOM elements or JS event handlers.

13. Twitter Bootstrap Collapse JavaScript Plugin

By using this plugin you can create collapsible components with Twitter Bootstrap.

14. Font Awesome

Generally, it’s a pictographic language of web-related actions that is compatible with Twitter Bootstrap 2.0. The Font Awesome web font and CSS libraries are free for commercial purposes.

15. Struts2 Bootstrap Plugin

This plugin easily integrates Twitter Bootstrap into a Bootstrap-based Struts2 (framework for Java applications).

16. Twitter Bootstrap Typeahead Plugin

This plugin is used to help people select a single item from a given range of options.

17. Bootstrap Modals Plugin

On our Bootstrap plugins list this one creates modal windows to add functionality to users. For this reason popover and tooltips can be used.