
Papervision 3D – Video Tutorials (Part 2)

In this post we continue the theme of Papervision 3D video tutorials for all those who prefer video training instead of written tutorials. From this tutorials you will learn how to how to create an object in PV3D, how to build an interactive Papervision 3D scene, how to implement Papervision 3D within Flex using an MXML Flex Application, and get familiar with PV3D material basics.

Also, read the 1st part Papervision 3D – Video Tutorials (Part 1)

1. PV3D Intro – Hello World (I)

From this PV3D video tutorial for beginners you will learn how to set up basic Class & PV3D code skeleton and how to create an object, animate it and render it to the stage.

2. PV3D Material Basics (II)

This video tutorial will teach you the PV3D material basics. You will learn how to import Papervision 3D material libraries, how to declare colorMaterial var and datatype it to colorMaterial, how to establish colorMaterial parameters and how to assign colorMaterial to the primitive1 Plane Primitive. The final code is included.

3. Interactive Scene

This video tutorial demonstrates how to build an interactive Papervision 3D scene from start to end. The author explains how to implement your PV3D class, establish all your standard scene setup actions, how to initalize a sphere, apply a material to it and get it rendering. Then he covers how to add interactivity to the sphere by applying a click handler to the sphere.

4. Papervision 3D development in Flex – I

This tutorial covers how to implement Papervision within Flex using an ActionScript project. It tells about the basics of Flex (assuming you’re new to the app) as well as covers various other things such as, how to use Flash drawn materials within Flex, how to properly export your Flex project for use on the web, etc.

5. Papervision 3D development in Flex – II

The  Part II tutorial discusses how to implement Papervision 3D within Flex using an MXML Flex Application.

Please feel free to suggest other PV3D video tutorials in “Comments”.