
Key Elements in Water Website Design

Beautiful views and landscapes are highly popular in web design. And there’s a good reason for it:

Water is of the most used themes in landscape design. It has a deep symbolic meaning and can establish various patterns and images. Water website design is used in different sites templates: from pool and aquarium sites to design and business ones. Let’s take a look at the most representative websites in the line of those with water elements and backgrounds.

Pool, Water Park and Aquarium Designs with Water

It’s the most obvious group in water websites. Pool and aquariums work in and with water, so they often use the real photos and videos of their territory, services and visitors. Water parks and pools use pictures and videos of happy customers that enjoy water activities. Aquariums and dolphinariums attract visitors to site with nice and cute dolphins, fishes and other exotic creatures.

Water Park

Leidgens Piscines


Travel and Diving Water Website Design

Amazing landscapes and views of exotic places should attract customers and tell them more about the resort or diving club they are to visit. Tempting and catchy photos and slideshows of paradise vacations on a beach near the seashore are numerous on travel websites. Diving websites attract customers with underwater views.

Koh Tao Easy Divers

Sortie en Mer

Beverages and Drinks Water Websites

Drinks and beverages websites with water elements are called to create an image of natural and fresh product. Splashes of water around the bottle or crystal clear drops on the can should show the refreshing characteristics of the drink. Calm view of a forest lake in deep dark tones on the background are to show the elitism of the drink.


Kierunek Orzezwienie

Ecological and Water Supplies Sites

Water is the key element in ecological system of the Earth. So, there’s no wonder water is used as the key element of ecological websites. Deep ocean views or landscapes of irrigated fields draw attention to ecological problems or offer solution to them.

Oasys Water

World under Water

Water Life

Water & the Dutch

Business and Design Sites with Water Elements

Many designer companies, photographers and business firms use water elements in design of their websites. Calm waters should show stability and deep knowledge of their field of work. Stormy weather and high waves provide the message of strength, reliability and focus to the future. Deep colors, often used in such designs, are to bring the feeling of confidence and establish an elitist image.

Complete Baltics


Finch & Partners

Cobble Hill


Templates with Water Website Design

Choosing a perfect water design for the site is easy. There are numerous designs with water elements like background images, slideshows and interactive soutions.

Minimalist Template with Water Splash

Water-Themed Template for Tour Firm Website

Fresh Template for Water Filters Site

Template for Surfing Website

Blue-Colored Template for Pool Company

Energetic Fishing Website Template

Photo Website with Water Background

Water Polo Template for Sport Site

Deep-Blue Template for Aquarium Website

Water Template for Surfing Website

Shiny Website Template for Swimming Classes

Bright Website Template for Water Park

Blue Design for Water Sports Website

Design for Yachting Website with Slide Gallery

Template for Diving Website with Background Slideshow